Thursday, May 26, 2005

Road Trip!

Yippee! Tomorrow morning the BeeGees are piling in Tamara's van and heading to Lansing. Whatever will we do in Lansing? Oh, such a silly question . . .We'll go to Threadbear, of course!!!
This will be my first visit to this super-sized version of the LYS. I am beyond excited. This trip has been in the works for several weeks, and then today I found out there will be a SALE at Threadbear this weekend, starting tomorrow morning! Tamara says she feels bad for anyone else arriving after the store opens tomorrow because we'll get there early, and probably strip the place to bare bones. Photos to follow!

Kim's bridal shower was Saturday. It was great. I am so relieved that it is over. However, now we go straight into "wedding mode" with nary a moment of rest for the weary. She got her hair and makeup done Saturday morning (trial run for the wedding day) and OMG did she look goregeous !!! Lots of nice gifts and a good time was had by all.


Jane said...

Have a great time on your trip - think of me languishing here in the South so far from "The Boys."

Erica said...

I've made that trip many times! They are so wonderful at Threadbear. Haven't been in lately as it's too tempting to blow the budget. Enjoy your day!