Sunday, January 23, 2011

March for Babies 2011

Hi everyone

It's me, McKenna

I've come to hijack my Grandma's blog again!

I hope you had a great Christmas, and that the New Year is off to a great start!

It's that time of year ... My grandma has just finished working on her personal page for "Team McKenna Faith" (that's me, dazzling you with my cuteness) for the March of Dimes walk coming up on May 1st.

My mommy did the March of Dimes walk for a few years before she even thought of having a baby. She didn't have any idea at the time that she and Daddy would plan to start their family, and that I would be one of the babies born prematurely. I was one of the babies that she was walking for and didn't even know it.

Since then, the March of Dimes has become even more important to Mommy and Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa, and our whole entire family and circle of friends. That's why last year there were about 40 people on Team McKenna Faith who walked during a rainy weekend in April and raised more than $6,000.00 for the March of Dimes. This amount was the 5th highest fundraising effort for the whole Metro Detroit area, and we were 11th for the entire state of Michigan! YAY TEAM! But we are setting our sights even higher this year. We want to raise $10,000.00 for this very worthy cause.

You know, when I think back to my time in the hospital, I realize how lucky I am. Some of those babies in the NICU with me were not doing as well as I was. I wish every one of them could be as strong and healthy as I am now. I wish all of us could have stayed in our mommy's wombs a little longer so we could grow inside and not in the NICU. It was not a fun place to be for any of us, but those wonderful angels (nurses and doctors) helped me get bigger and stronger so I could go home to be with my mommy and daddy.

Look at me now! I have not been sick one single time in my whole life! Yee haw!

My mommy and daddy, and all the adults in our huge family are trying to get an even bigger team of local friends and family to walk with us. I will be in my stroller, which will be all decorated with balloons and signs. It's going to be a fun walk. Better than last year.... more people, more money raised (and please, MORE SUN NO RAIN!) But even if it rains again, we will march on for the cause.

I know you can't come walk with us, but please consider a donation for our team, for a very worthy cause, in honor and celebration of ME! Just click on the banner below for my grandma's donation page. Easy-peasy!

Thanks a bunch!


(my grandma, the Bloomin' Knitiot, thanks you too!) Mwah!

Just a little reminder of what I looked like when I was born. I weighed only 2 lb. 5 oz. Babies this small (and even way smaller) are born every day and they need our help!

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