Friday, November 26, 2004


Today is the first time I've been dressed since Tuesday, and out of bed for more than an hour at a time. I'm sick. It started Tuesday and progressed throughout the day. Wednesday I stayed in bed all day. Yesterday too. Yup, missed Thanksgiving festivities with my family. Stayed home in bed all by my lonesome for the entire afternoon and part of the evening. They brought me home some turkey and side dishes, but unfortunately I couldn't taste anything when I ate it. What a waste!

Mike made me get up and out of bed today. I haven't done much of anything...well, I gave Jake a hair cut, used the Dustbuster on the stairs, played a couple games of Cadoo with the kids, and sneezed about 157 times. I sure hope we don't run out of Kleenex cuz I'm not going out to get more. Maybe I'll just hang a bucket around my neck. UGH.

I did manage to get a bit of knitting done yesterday, and hope to do another mitten or 2 today. I've practically memorized the mitten pattern and have a few more on my list. Nothing more to report at this moment.


1 comment:

Jane said...

Oh, how sad you are so sick and had to miss Thanksgiving. Hope it's all over soon.