Monday, November 29, 2004

Gift idea for your favorite knitter
(or YOU!)

Here are some pens I made up to show to the knitting/blogging world.
I need to get them added into my main webpage
Once In A Bloomoon Creations but for now they can be ordered at this temporary page I set up today
Gifts for the Knitter

There are several kinds of letter beads that can be used, the pens themselves are in 3 parts that can be mixed and matched to a combination you like. I can use one of 3 different lengths of rods to put the beads on, depending on the length of the name you want to use, but obviously there is a limit!

Feature your name, your blog name, your favorite knitting phrase, your company name, whatever!

If you find the webpage hard to manage (or if it's totally whacko because I worked on it with a very fuzzy head....yes, I'm still sick....) just email me with what you want and we'll figure it out from there. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Fun pens! Hope you are feeling better soon.