Sunday, September 05, 2004

Feeling Lucky!

Yesterday was my lucky day! First of all, I decided to hit some thrift stores when I was making a run to JoAnn's for some buttons. My theory is "you just never know what you might find!" What I found was a bag full of 100% wool tapestry yarn, natural color, in 3/4 oz. skeins. There were 13 of them in this bag. What else was in the bag was the original receipt for this yarn, which was 14 skeins at $2.10 each. So about $30.00 worth. Ok, one skein was missing from that original purchase, but how much did I pay for this bag of yarn? A whopping $1.99. It's not a huge amount of yarn, just over 9 oz. but the fact that they are already in small skeins will let me dye them without having to unwind, weigh, etc. I see a dyeing/felting project in my future!

Reason #2 yesterday was my lucky day....I had gone to Susan's blog because I love to read knitting blogs, and she was having a contest to celebrate the re-write of her Picasso Sock Pattern. She was asking people to post, in her comments section, their favorite knitting tips. First prize was a copy of her pattern and the yarn to knit them. While I didn't win first place, she decided to offer 2 more people a copy of her pattern and I was one of them! WOO HOO! Thanks Susan, you made my day! My tip was to use the Russian Join to join a new piece of yarn when you run out, are changing colors, etc.

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